Ways To Break A Heart.
These images are created as social commentary on current trends and events, a kind of parody of today’s world. I use the historical photographic process of cyanotype and pair it with handmade negatives. Numerous exposures are layered on top of one another to complicate the visual space and to imitate our modern airwaves, full of news, headlines, gossip, Facebook feeds, Instagram feeds, Twitter feeds, small talk, and TV - but what is real? And what does it all mean? These prints are made in response to feeling overwhelmed and as an attempt to stave off feeling utterly helpless. I am interested in photography’s overlap with printmaking and painting. It is a very malleable medium that I think is often pigeonholed into being just one thing. I want to see how far I can push it and what that exploration might find.
This body of work exists as series 11” x 15”, 14” x 17”, and 18” x 24”, toned cyanotype prints on BFK Rives watercolor paper. Works are Edition 1 of 1.