Little Box of Rocks.
Little Box Of Rocks, was a series of prints made during the transition time of 2019 into 2020. While we collectively shared much of the uncertainty and chaos of those months, personally I was facing some of my own. As a queer artist in the third trimester of my first pregnancy, I was looking to relocate my anchor. Facing a long list of unknowns, I needed to find ground. At this time I let my studio practice lead me, calm me, exhaust me. I was reminded, the studio practice always provides. When in doubt, make. When in doubt, dream.
Using cyanotype emulsion with hand-drawn negatives, I work with abstract imagery, further complicating the visual plane with multiple layers of exposure and information. In this body of work, I explore feelings of otherness and motherhood.
This body of work exists in variable-sized cyanotype prints of Rives BFK watercolor paper.